There are wounds unknown to the untrained eye and ills incurable by modern medicine, but through spirituality and alternative healing methods, you recreate your life journey with Alma's treatments.
A leading healer working with shamanic practices and energy medicine, Alma Lightbody provides alternative means for people to mend themselves when modern medicine and mainstream therapies cannot.
Through a ninety-minute session, clients experienced a variety of therapeutic approaches and disciplines, including but not limited to light touches, energy assessment, and many more, all geared towards the holistic recovery of both body and spirit.
Clients also get to experience getting treated on an energy mat whose frequencies are matched to the geomantic frequencies, which is what is precisely needed to preserve the body's vital energies and influence positive recovery and higher-quality resonance with the breathing world.
At the end of the session, clients will feel a revitalized body that has reset itself to its typical healing and nurturing properties, allowing for a new slate in connecting with the world and discovering a better self.
You deserve a chance to recreate your life's journey with Alma's treatments.
Finding Alternate Methods of Recovery
People might start looking for alternative healing when they are diagnosed with illnesses that have no consistent cure or when they've already tried modern remedies but are not getting their desired results--all of these are valid reasons. Mostly, in the West or "European"-leaning countries, these options that run counter to the mainstream can be difficult to find and unfamiliar to urban folk.
Although contemporary science has given society many wonders, it still hasn't found the panacea for dealing with every issue the body and mind can be afflicted with, leaving millions without recourse for recovery.
Some, but not all, disorders and illnesses have a spiritual factor; many manifest physically but are often misdiagnosed as merely bodily diseases, despite being spiritual sicknesses. The notion that something is "lost" or that a "change" has occurred in someone is a universal experience. But those emotions are usually only treated with pills, and drugs do not go to the root of the problem. Sure, some can cope, but there are plenty who cannot. Those feelings of emptiness and void typically result from a vital loss, energy escaping from the body.
Sadly, there has yet to be a scientific cure.
Yet some alternatives do exist, and while mainstream sciences might deride some, there are thousands still that find value and actual results from them. So, there must be a kernel of truth to it, right? Science is not the only judge of what is genuinely out there; it cannot be since it focuses only on the natural and not the spiritual. But by combining both disciplines, Alma Lightbody has developed an option for people to heal and recover, body and spirit, in a safe and sacred space based on boundaries and cooperation between healer and patient.
The healer is only the guide; true healing must come from the individual. By accepting the infinite possibility of the energy inside them, they become more than they could ever be!
Why Balancing Energy in Your Body is Important
An aspect of the body that alternative medicine trumps scientific methods is in the field of vital energy. It goes by many names: chakra or prana in Indic religions like Buddhism or Hinduism, qi, chi, or ki in the Far East, and it roughly translates to "breath."
Vital energy, or life force, powers the human drive and passions; it makes them get up in the morning and work towards achieving their goals and dreams. It is the underlying force that connects everyone in the world with nature.
For the human body to function without obstacles, the vital energies flowing within them must find balance—and in this increasingly alienating world of technology and industry, there are many ways to disrupt this flow of energy, accidentally or otherwise; from burnout or energy imbalance, to name a few.
Vital energy-focused therapies like acupuncture, tai chi, reiki, etc., are based on ancient tradition and formulated to reignite unsettled or blocked energy flow. They involve little physical interference through soft and non-invasive methods, helping to ease pain, reduce anxiety, treat cancer, and more.