We all need a reboot from time to time and cleaning out closets physically or mentally is a symbolic way to reduce excess baggage and recreate our belief systems. Usually we have heard this saying associated with the shedding of clothes and items as we tire of them but it can also be about your inner self.

In our day to day lives we collect and carry experiences that weigh us down.  We hold onto them like a clenched fist, which is unnecessary and most of all unhealthy.  If we are willing to shed and release what doesn’t serve us we have an opportunity to move forward with ease.  Life is ever changing and to be able to flow with it we need to lighten the load and be available for new possibilities.

Burdening issues can be simple or complex but either way if you want to cleanse your space you have to take it seriously and include your soul in the decision.  To make a release meaningful and carry weight, it is helpful to use symbolic and physical gestures that the body understands.  Some examples would be writing issues out on paper that you crumple up and throw away or burn in a fire.  You can also tell your story to a stick, a stone or another piece of nature, then bury it, or throw it into the ocean or a fire.  These are simple actions that have powerful symbolic and energetic meaning to the body and soul. 

An example of shedding physical materials happened for me when we built our home on Pender Island.  The house took several years to build and many of our belongings remained in boxes all that time.  When it was time to move in I had forgotten what was in most of the boxes and I had never missed any of it.  I put the boxes in the trunk of my car and took them to a fundraising garage sale, donating all of them without looking back.  The action was meaningful and definitely carried weight as I happily shed what I certainly didn’t need. 

The type of burden that takes more work to release is a deep imprint imposed from childhood and repeatedly reinforced such as ‘you are stupid’ or ‘you’ll always be fat’.  No matter what people do to change that perception they still believe it is true.  These types of imprints need to  be dealt with in layers as you acknowledge and work with the issue each time it arises.  When an emotion makes you feel bad, stop right then and there and pay attention to what pictures, thoughts and senses surface for you. Play at reversing the issue and pulling yourself out of the picture.  This is called shape shifting and offers a symbolic change that your body and soul can relate to. 

Make a commitment to keep your energy field and physical closets clean. The choice is yours, enjoy your journey.