When did you stop listening to your inner voice and, what aren’t you willing to hear?  Intuitive messages are a moment in time and it is easy to miss them.  Such insights come out of the unknown, so don’t go looking for them.  When you are in a quandary, the first thought that pops up is the intuition. Grab it and don’t let it get away.  

Intuition is a creativity from within, waiting for a time to be of service.  Be available and be open to possibilities.  Such insight is like a flash in the pan and can be gone in a moment. It is an unexpected visitor that doesn’t stick around.  Use the essence of the insight, pay attention to how you handle it then see how your life changes for you.

Our mothers are our best teachers.  They have a knowingness about our needs, how we feel  and if we are in a safe place.  Also, we are born with a connection to our inner self.  As children we may have friends and fairies we create a relationship with, play with, sing with and even bring to the dinner table.  Unfortunately, as we get older we lose touch with these friends, because we are told to, or because we find human friends and just get busy in another kind of life.

Let’s fast forward through our schooling, career expectations, marriage and family.  Our decisions in life have sometimes been guided by our intuitive senses but often we don’t pay attention to the messages and just move through life using blinders and earplugs.  I have been there, with no sense of what my soul was trying to tell me.  Eventually, after several illnesses and relationship issues I knew I had to pay attention to my inner self.  I had to go back and find the fairies of my childhood and ‘hear what they had to teach me.’

I took a year off to be alone.  It gave me silence, space and focus to once again hear my inner voice and listen to it.  I found it is not about chasing the intuition but about realizing its momentary presence and acting upon on it.  If you try and think it through, you change the message and go back to your old mode of survival, thus inhibiting growth.  We need the courage to confront what lies deeply buried within and open the doors to our genuine self.

Be a rebel and move forward with each new insight.  Bring in the magic and follow the journey your soul has planned for you.  Create an epiphany rather than being deaf to the momentary flashes  that try to get your attention. Intuitive messages and moments of enlightenment come to you in many ways, be available to hear them at any time and on any dimension.  Trust their value - It’s all about you.