We are the caretakers of ourselves and the earth and need to honour the Winter Solstice that can take us to deeper, quieter places.  It helps if we relate to the hibernation of plant roots and some animals as they become quiet and still over the winter to regenerate and prepare for the emergence of spring. 

Sometimes we need this quiet time in our lives to give our soul a rest from the busy-ness of routine life.  As winter hours arrive we may need this time of early darkness to go within to experience something more in life, something deeper.  It may be to a specific calling to heal ourselves, to serve others and/or serve the planet. 

I experienced such a time in my life when I had hit rock bottom and needed to go into hibernation for not just a winter, but a whole year.  I was forty-five years old.  My second relationship had fallen apart and months later the company I was a partner in went bankrupt and so did I.  These shocks pushed me into a deep, dark hole forcing me to question, ‘Who am I?’ and ‘Where do I go from here?’

I now would call this an awakening, but at the time I didn’t recognize such a blessing in the middle of my chaos.  When I finally realized the gift I had been given, I thanked God and totally changed my life direction.  I had no idea where I was going or how to get there, but I never looked back.  As I began to look into a deeper side of myself, a whole new world opened up for me.  To date, society had been responsible for my image, my education, and my career, but now it could not sustain me.  There was something missing and I could no longer hide behind the mask I was wearing.  I was not clear how I arrived at this point but I did know it didn’t feel good. 

I had to find a kind of winter solstice quietness and stillness in order to regenerate and re-think my true reason for being here.  I bought a dog and started walking in nature.  I put my TV in a cupboard and listened to classical music instead.  To find my new path I began to truly listen to clues from people and events around me.  I was willing to ask for help and found a whole new world waiting to welcome me.  This special time of stillness provided me with the ability to recover from difficulties and adapt to changes.  It was one of the worst and best times of my life and I am eternally grateful for such an enabling journey. 

This is my last article after two years with Sibyl Magazine.  Blessings and gratitude to all of you for being part of this wonderful experience.  With Light - I hope to meet you again.